What We Do
By joining SAGES at UT, you will receive our monthly newletters with information about our upcoming events, have access to resources we share, and updates from other groups pertinent to women in STEM. We host career panels, speakers, discussion groups, networking events, mentorship programs, and outreach events led by and for those who are passionate about creating a more inclusive STEM environment, with a focus on career development and community building. Check out the Upcoming and Past Events drop-down pages to see what we are and were up to!
Stay Up to Date!
Click the button below to join the mailing list for our monthly newsletter, which informs you of all current happenings at SAGES at UT!
Google Calendar
Click the button below to add our Google Calendar to stay up to date and receive notifications for our upcoming events.
Click the buttom below to visit our Instagram page. Follow us @sagesatut in order to get the fastest updates on upcoming events!
With Corporate Partners
SAGES at UT is open to building relationships with corporate partners. From our first partnership with SIG to our recent events with Sandia National Laboratories, we have been honored to work with a number of external organizations that are just as passionate as we are about building a more connected STEM community. If you are an external organization interested in working with SAGES at UT, please see our prospectus (below) and send us an email!
With Other UT Student Organizations
SAGES at UT has partnered with other organizations on campus such as Texas URJ, Women in Natural Sciences, Women in Engineering, and more. If you are a representative of a student organization that is interested in collaborating with SAGES at UT, please send us an email! See examples of our past collaborations below: